1.2 First Steps

In one sense, what makes R difficult to learn is that there are a million ways of doing the same thing. Everytime you pick up a new book or read something on-line, a new way will be shown and not reinforce what you have been already learned.

Of course there are other ways of learning R. Googling for support is certainly one option. Youtube has many videos in addition to the many now available on LinkedIn Learning. Once you have loaded R and R Studio, you can access Help in a tab (lower right area of your screen). There are other resources for learning R. An on-line tutorial called DataCamp is one and there are on-line courses on Coursera.

To get started, follow the steps shown below.

  1. Watch the first three videos of the course Learning R on LinkedIn Learning (Getting Started: Installing R on your computer, Using RStudio, Taking a First Look at the Interface).

  2. Download [R] (https://www.r-project.org/) and [RStudio] (https://www.rstudio.com/).

  3. Install R first, then install RStudio.